Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who the Hell IS Sarah Palin?

Okay, now I know that this entry is gonna sound a little confusing for those less intelligent who happen to run across my blog. I bashed Obama for not choosing a woman, and now I am gonna bash McCain FOR picking a woman??? WTF right? No. See the problem is that too many people look on the surface, and that's why Bush became a president. See I was gonna write a blog about racist Mormon doctrine and how my commanding officer in the Army, Cpt. Kara R. Pond, was racist and, of course, a Mormon. But that's another topic for another time. Anyways, so do I have anything negative to say about McCain and his choice? Well, unless Sarah Palin thinks exactly the opposite as McCain, then he is still a crazy old kook. Correction, a crazy, racist, old, wants to blow up all the brown people off the face of the earth kook. Now, I don't know anything about Sarah Palin to bash her. Matter of fact, no one does, and that's what's boggling everyone on the right, the left, the center, everywhere actually. But since she is aligned herself with McCain, I am sure she is gonna open her beauty pageant mouth and sound like a 44-year-old Paris Hilton. That's my prediction. And if you know me personally and are one of my close friends, it seems like I am almost psychic with the way I am able to read people and politics. Sometimes I think I am psychic. Most times though, I just realize that people are just too damn predictable, especially businessmen and politicians.

But who knows? Palin might bring some sense to McCain's crazy ass arguments and just maybe tell him that it's NOT okay to blow up brown people everywhere that they don't agree with his opinions or believe in Christianity. Hopefully. I doubt it, but hopefully.

Now just because this blog is shorter than yesterday's don't get off thinking I am republican or some shit....Not true at all. You got me all fucked up if you think that. Nah I just don't have any ammo yet. I have did a couple hours of digging (not much really), and I really couldn't find anything besides some basic facts. Now I think the reason McCain picked was because of just that. No one can really have any preconceived notions about her and she doesn't have a past to put in a negative campaign ad except for the fact that...she has no past. Obama can't even used that tactic because...he really doesn't have one either. Now the only way she can be attacked is only for this point on if she opens her mouth. I'm gonna give her some rope. Enough rope to hang herself, but not enough to hang all of us with it like Bush did. The fact is, as long as she doesn't say shit, she can't be attacked, and so Obama's campaign can only attack McCain, and McCain's campaign can attack Obama AND Biden. Ain't that a bitch. Plus Palin will probably help McCain with the woman vote. He can easily now say, "Obama wasn't willing to have a woman vice-president, but I am". Sucks huh? How come none of these so-called "political analysts" didn't see this. Wow. These are the people we look towards for their "expert" opinion and advice. The problem with them is that they are paid to be subjective, so its nearly impossible to step back and be objective in their opinions. It's actually hard for most people to step back and be objective about their opinions. Sucks huh. But we will all find out in the coming days and weeks, "Who the hell IS Sarah Palin anyways?"

"Common sense is the foundation of all authorities, of the laws themselves, and of their construction." - Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

HIP_M0M said...

Reading this after today's announcement is pretty damn funny. We all know a bit more about Sarah Palin now. I can't wait until they "reveal" who the baby's father is. More drama to come...if only to distract voters from the issues that really matter in this election.