Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Shit, I'm Back!!!

Yeah, I'm back...with a fucking plan this time too. Actually, I'm gonna stay away from the political side, except when Sarah Palin opens up her mouth, then of course something so hilariously stupid will come out and I will then have to blog about and tell everyone once again, that she is mildly retarded. But yeah, I am also going to tell you about new films, games, movies and shit, and pretty much all the random crap I find on the internet. I find lots of random crap, like a bird or a cat, or some type of animal that's known for dragging in random crap to where ever they live.

Anyways...I traded in Resistance 2 today to get Need For Speed: Undercover, even though almost everyone said that it was subpar. Reasons why I traded in Resistance 2, the game that people think is one of the greatest along with Gears of War 2? That reason is....I hate who the fuck ever designed the damn difficulty. I had it on NORMAL, and I died at least 200 times. How do I know it was at least 200? Because they actually kept track of how many times I died during the damn single-player, as if to laugh and sneer at me, telling me how much I suck. I hated the fact you could hiding perfectly behind something, and somehow, someway, the game would invent a new way on the spot to kill you, and then when you finally did overcome that impossible obstacle, they don't really tell you where to go next, leaving you wondering aimlessly. DO this for about 15 hours, and it will drive you buck fucking nuts. Plus the whole matchmaking system for the Competitive matches was broken, and the only good thing was Co-Op, and all I did was play Spec Ops, because I was the only class I could play efficently without having to rely on people, because people don't seem to understand the definition of Cooperative. They think it's Rambo-time Online or some shit.

God I just remembered how much I hate typing.

Oh well. Check in tomorrow.

I promise I will be more consistent.

BTW, Fuck promises.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I guess I missed a couple days...

Alright, I will attempt to make this the second blog NOT about politics. Honestly, I just don't care anymore. Either way I, as a felon, am getting screwed. Firstly, go check out my homegirl Themia's website, because she's cool and I am cool, so you gotta support the whole round table, ya dig.

Well, throughout my travels throughout the internet, I stumble across websites and information that maybe you just might care about, hopefully. Who knows. Well If you are into science-fiction and breaking new discoveries into technology and science, a good blog I found is They are accurate in their reports and they usually use multiple sources, so it's pretty accurate.

Right now I am listening to three Asian guys play "I Wonder" by Kanye West in their garage on some rinky-dink instruments. It's sounds good as hell though. You should check it out sometime at I think its awesome personally. I need to buy a another guitar before I forget how to play. Yeah, a hood black dude that taught himself the guitar...what will they come up with next.

Speaking of hood. I was shown the funniest website by my homegirl Themia that makes fun of all the silly shit in rap. It's rap meets social commentary meets balck humor. It's called Oh Word! Its at This website tells you about different songs coming out, and what's going on in hip-hop, and calls out the bullshit going on not just in hip-hop, but the world.

Alirhgt, some of you know about these videos, and some of you don't. But the funniest black guy still on youtube to this day, bar none, is the Unforgivable Guy. The original four videos of unforgivable are classics, plus they got shirts and whatnot on their website at Now, I bet you are asking, "What is Unforgivable about?" Unforgivable is a series of VERY GRAPHIC random stories, that are hilarious the more and more you watch it. This was not funny to me at first, but the more and more you watch it, the funnier it gets because you start to let go, and start thinking about the crazy shit he says. I personally think it's the funniest thing ever on youtube.

Also, does anyone still listen to A Tribe Called Quest? I found a ottent that had every single song they ever relased and most of their unreleased joints. Of course, I downloaded it. How could I not? And of course, I jammed to it. It was great. If you don't listen to them still, then you really should.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Am About To Lose My Damn Mind

I really think that I am about to lose my damn mind. Entirely too much news about Sarah Palin is coming out at once. There is a literal shitstorm of things coming out about her. And none of it is positive. None of it at all. Unwed teen daughter. Crazy pastor that is just as bad as Rev. Wright. Ethics investigations from wanting to fire a state trooper who divorced her sister. Too damn much. I can't blog about it all. But I will try. I will try.

First off, with the daughter thing, Sarah Palin is just a hypocrite. Want to know how much she is a hypocrite? Not only is she just for abstinence-only education in schools and at home (which she obviously fuckin fails at), but check this. Earlier this year she used her line-item veto power to slash funding for a state program which helped unwed teen mothers in need of a place to live. Ain't that some bullshit. She performed this veto WHILE her daughter was pregnant. Wow. Fucking wow. Oh yeah, and she opposes funding to help prevent teen pregnancies. A little icing for the cake.

And the baby daddy. On his myspace page it says such things as "I'm a fuckin' redneck", "But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin' chillin' I guess.", and this charming quote "Ya fuck with me I'll kick ya ass,". Sounds like a young George Bush in the making. If he was black, and changed fishing to video games and hockey to basketball, white folks behind closed doors would be calling him your typical nigga, as would I.

So if abstinence doesn't work, and teens get pregnant, and you don't support them (policy-wise) before or after, what is it?
Compassionate Conservatism. Hypocritical Compassionate Conservatism.

Now let's stroll on down the road to this topic: What if Bristol Palin was black? What if she was Obama's daughter? You know what would have been said about her by conservatives? They would have said, "Typical, urban youth with no sense of responsibility raised with loose morals who plans to depend on the state to take care of her child." We all know that's exactly what the fuck they would have said. Not even up for debate.

This is what really irks me about Republicans specifically, and America in general. There is a constant double-standard imposed on black and white people in the public spotlight. Take Cindy McCain. She was a drug addict who stole from her own charity to feed her addiction. Now Republicans brush that off as a mistake, but let Michelle Obama had of done it. They would have trashed her like they did Whitney Houston. What if this was Barack's second marriage because he cheated on his first wife with Michelle? They would say that Obama is gonna cheat on this country the way he cheated on his first wife. But that's exactly what McCain did, and no one says shit about it.

Now let's go across town and land in Wasilla, AK, and head on to Wasilla Assembly of God church. It's a Pentecostal church led by this crazy nitwit Pastor Ed Kalnins. This asshole has preached that people who criticized Bush will be condemned to hell. Are you serious? Even better. He says that Jesus is behind the American troops and "is operating in war mode."

Now my remembering of the Bible may be a little sketchy, considering I read it cover-to-cover quite a few times and still have about 220 verses memorized in my head, but I don't remember SHIT about Jesus having a damn "war mode." I remember such great hits as "Love your enemies", "Whoever lives by the sword shall die by the sword", and my personal favorite "Love your neighbor as you love yourself". I want to see how long it takes CNN to bring up Palin's crazy ass pastor, and show exactly how much of a hypocrite the Republicans really are.

And that's not even half the crazy stuff that man has said.

I personally think all politicians are playing for their team, and this is all an elaborate show. To me there is only one team. Them and me. Period. Democrats, Republicans, neither will let me vote yet, both want to tax me. Fuck them.

I hate to say it, but I actually agree with P. Diddy. John McCain would have been better off picking Michelle Obama as his running mate.

But ho ho ho....I ain't done yet.

She is currently under an abuse-of-power investigation in her home state of Alaska. Surprise surprise. She supposedly dismissed her public safety commissioner because he wouldn't fire a state trooper who divorced Sarah Palin's sister. Ain't that a bitch. Stay with my sister who is probably as crazy as me or you lose your job. This chick is on that bullshit. Bar none. My hands hurt from twittering all night and my head is about to explode because all of the stupidity. I don't honestly think I can even start to address the crazy shit said at the RNC last night. I am sure some more crazy shit will be said tonight.

Some of you may not like the adult language I use. Well guess what. Grow up. I use big boy words, so join me in adult world.
On that note, peace.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Million Miles a Second....

Man...there are so many things I want to talk about. So much going on. So many easy targets for me to snipe with my usual witty and scathing commentary, so much useless crap I feel is going on in the world that I feel I should call as I see it. Let's just take a peek at all the crap running through my head. I can't sit and focus on just one right now:

1) Sarah Palin's daughter being pregnant, yet Palin has been a staunch advocate of abstinence for years and wants to legislate it so that public schools have to teach it. If you can't teach it to your own damn kid, how in the hell you trying to tell others what they should impart on their children. Maybe you should have educated her about condoms. You wouldn't have this problem now, assclown.

2) The Higgs-Boson particle. That one will probably go over most people's heads with all the theoretical physics, and for the life of me I can't fathom how I am able to understand all of it. Either way, It's a monumental waste of money to me, because at the end of they day, it doesn't mean anything to EVERYONE ELSE. It's not gonna change lives or save lives, all you are is wasting billions of dollars to find out if a particle exists or not, or even still exists. It might have actually disappeared after the birth of the universe. Ain't that a bitch.

3) Racist Mormons, and religion in general. It seems to me, anyways, that throughout history, the only way people have been able to justify the horrible and morally repulsive things they have done to people, sometimes whole civilizations, is through religion, saying that, "It's God's will", or "God told them to do it." If that's so, then this God person seems like a real prick. (Let's see how many people that last statement pisses off.)

4) Hurricane Gustav, and how it seems like it was "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", an overreaction by America (and me too, I will admit) because of the devastation Katrina did. And soon when another hurricane like Katrina comes, no one will evacuate because it will seem like a wate of time, and it won't be that bad, and the levees will hold, like they did last time. But that time....that one time again. They won't.

Okay. So this is my blog entry for today. This one was actually short AND sweet like I have been promising the past couple of days. I finally delivered. I always deliver.

Monday, September 1, 2008

I Bet They Dodge Responsibility This Time...Again

I will actually try to make this one short and sweet as it is 6-something in the morning. But check it. How much does ANYONE want to bet that any failures in the levee infrastructure and pretty much anything that Michael Chertoff and his cronies generally fuck up with this hurricane, Bush will shift the blame from himself and his friends to the presidential candidates, and find a way to make it their responsibility to help the people and help with the rebuilding and restoration effort, even though neither one is actually the president yet! Wait and see.

Remember, Bush & Co. sat back and watched Katrina wipe out New Orleans like it was a made-for-TV movie. They didn't get off their ass to do anything, and actually prevented private businesses from providing assistance (e.g. Wal-Mart, Home Depot). But what they were good at was herding all the black people they could into the SuperDeathDome and wouldn't let them leave, wouldn't give them food, wouldn't give them water, but they did point guns at them and threaten to shoot and kill them. Now thank God we won't have that problem this time because they forced everyone to evacuate, but...they only did that because they didn't want another Superdome incident on their hands. Plus most of the black folks who were actually in the Superdome still can't afford to come back to NOLA and rebuild. Here I am getting all off topic again.

Basically, when whatever gets fucked up with government response or infrastructure, what the story go from what Bush and the government should have done and what they should be doing to what would have the candidates done and what are they doing to help. It'll be subtle, but absolute.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

You Aren't Leaving??? Fuck You Then....For Real...

This blog post will be very short and very simple. If you live in a state that borders the Gulf of Mexico (i.e. Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas), and you were in a city or an area that got completely fucked off by Katrina and/or Rita (e.g. New Orleans, Jefferson Parish, Gulf Springs, MS), AND you are REFUSING to evacuate...fuck you then. I feel like if you didn't learn your lesson yet, then your stupid ass is not entitled to shit. No help from FEMA, no help rebuilding your shit, finding your lost cat, lost dog, lost wife, none of that shit. And damn sure no rescue if you need it. That would be called natural selection and Darwinism at its finest. I feel then if you go on CNN and publicly state that your silly ass is gonna stay where you are at and you meet the above requirements AND you are voting for McCain, you need your ass beat...twice. But it is 6-something in the morning and it's time to get some rest...these people almost make my head explode with this nonsense....sometimes being a news junkie is a bad thing.

If your damn excuse is that, "You love this place too much," or "I can't bear to leave my city and/or town again", then I want them to explain to me how great your town and house and home is 10 feet underwater. Now unless you are muthafuckin Aquaman or Ariel from the Little Mermaid collecting forks from your house which is now underwater to use as a comb. You really need to shut the fuck up, get in your car, and leave. Period. End of discussion. If you stay and die or get hurt, I honestly can feel no compassion for you, considering it was a perfectly avoidable situation.

This is not to knock the ones who CAN'T leave because of financial or medical reasons. That's understandable partially, because I am sure they probably know someone who is getting the fuck up out of there and has some extra room or something. Plus the Red Cross is assisting in evacuations in places like New Orleans and other areas that were hard hit by Katrina. Here's the best part. Red Cross doesn't charge shit. That's why they are called non-profit. Honestly , if someone REALLY wanted to leave, they would find a way if they truly valued their life. It's basically that it would be too inconvenient to leave, for most that are staying, for one reason or another. All I gotta say is good luck, because that's about all that is on your side, because the odds sure as hell ain't.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who the Hell IS Sarah Palin?

Okay, now I know that this entry is gonna sound a little confusing for those less intelligent who happen to run across my blog. I bashed Obama for not choosing a woman, and now I am gonna bash McCain FOR picking a woman??? WTF right? No. See the problem is that too many people look on the surface, and that's why Bush became a president. See I was gonna write a blog about racist Mormon doctrine and how my commanding officer in the Army, Cpt. Kara R. Pond, was racist and, of course, a Mormon. But that's another topic for another time. Anyways, so do I have anything negative to say about McCain and his choice? Well, unless Sarah Palin thinks exactly the opposite as McCain, then he is still a crazy old kook. Correction, a crazy, racist, old, wants to blow up all the brown people off the face of the earth kook. Now, I don't know anything about Sarah Palin to bash her. Matter of fact, no one does, and that's what's boggling everyone on the right, the left, the center, everywhere actually. But since she is aligned herself with McCain, I am sure she is gonna open her beauty pageant mouth and sound like a 44-year-old Paris Hilton. That's my prediction. And if you know me personally and are one of my close friends, it seems like I am almost psychic with the way I am able to read people and politics. Sometimes I think I am psychic. Most times though, I just realize that people are just too damn predictable, especially businessmen and politicians.

But who knows? Palin might bring some sense to McCain's crazy ass arguments and just maybe tell him that it's NOT okay to blow up brown people everywhere that they don't agree with his opinions or believe in Christianity. Hopefully. I doubt it, but hopefully.

Now just because this blog is shorter than yesterday's don't get off thinking I am republican or some shit....Not true at all. You got me all fucked up if you think that. Nah I just don't have any ammo yet. I have did a couple hours of digging (not much really), and I really couldn't find anything besides some basic facts. Now I think the reason McCain picked was because of just that. No one can really have any preconceived notions about her and she doesn't have a past to put in a negative campaign ad except for the fact that...she has no past. Obama can't even used that tactic because...he really doesn't have one either. Now the only way she can be attacked is only for this point on if she opens her mouth. I'm gonna give her some rope. Enough rope to hang herself, but not enough to hang all of us with it like Bush did. The fact is, as long as she doesn't say shit, she can't be attacked, and so Obama's campaign can only attack McCain, and McCain's campaign can attack Obama AND Biden. Ain't that a bitch. Plus Palin will probably help McCain with the woman vote. He can easily now say, "Obama wasn't willing to have a woman vice-president, but I am". Sucks huh? How come none of these so-called "political analysts" didn't see this. Wow. These are the people we look towards for their "expert" opinion and advice. The problem with them is that they are paid to be subjective, so its nearly impossible to step back and be objective in their opinions. It's actually hard for most people to step back and be objective about their opinions. Sucks huh. But we will all find out in the coming days and weeks, "Who the hell IS Sarah Palin anyways?"

"Common sense is the foundation of all authorities, of the laws themselves, and of their construction." - Thomas Jefferson