Saturday, August 30, 2008

Who the Hell IS Sarah Palin?

Okay, now I know that this entry is gonna sound a little confusing for those less intelligent who happen to run across my blog. I bashed Obama for not choosing a woman, and now I am gonna bash McCain FOR picking a woman??? WTF right? No. See the problem is that too many people look on the surface, and that's why Bush became a president. See I was gonna write a blog about racist Mormon doctrine and how my commanding officer in the Army, Cpt. Kara R. Pond, was racist and, of course, a Mormon. But that's another topic for another time. Anyways, so do I have anything negative to say about McCain and his choice? Well, unless Sarah Palin thinks exactly the opposite as McCain, then he is still a crazy old kook. Correction, a crazy, racist, old, wants to blow up all the brown people off the face of the earth kook. Now, I don't know anything about Sarah Palin to bash her. Matter of fact, no one does, and that's what's boggling everyone on the right, the left, the center, everywhere actually. But since she is aligned herself with McCain, I am sure she is gonna open her beauty pageant mouth and sound like a 44-year-old Paris Hilton. That's my prediction. And if you know me personally and are one of my close friends, it seems like I am almost psychic with the way I am able to read people and politics. Sometimes I think I am psychic. Most times though, I just realize that people are just too damn predictable, especially businessmen and politicians.

But who knows? Palin might bring some sense to McCain's crazy ass arguments and just maybe tell him that it's NOT okay to blow up brown people everywhere that they don't agree with his opinions or believe in Christianity. Hopefully. I doubt it, but hopefully.

Now just because this blog is shorter than yesterday's don't get off thinking I am republican or some shit....Not true at all. You got me all fucked up if you think that. Nah I just don't have any ammo yet. I have did a couple hours of digging (not much really), and I really couldn't find anything besides some basic facts. Now I think the reason McCain picked was because of just that. No one can really have any preconceived notions about her and she doesn't have a past to put in a negative campaign ad except for the fact that...she has no past. Obama can't even used that tactic because...he really doesn't have one either. Now the only way she can be attacked is only for this point on if she opens her mouth. I'm gonna give her some rope. Enough rope to hang herself, but not enough to hang all of us with it like Bush did. The fact is, as long as she doesn't say shit, she can't be attacked, and so Obama's campaign can only attack McCain, and McCain's campaign can attack Obama AND Biden. Ain't that a bitch. Plus Palin will probably help McCain with the woman vote. He can easily now say, "Obama wasn't willing to have a woman vice-president, but I am". Sucks huh? How come none of these so-called "political analysts" didn't see this. Wow. These are the people we look towards for their "expert" opinion and advice. The problem with them is that they are paid to be subjective, so its nearly impossible to step back and be objective in their opinions. It's actually hard for most people to step back and be objective about their opinions. Sucks huh. But we will all find out in the coming days and weeks, "Who the hell IS Sarah Palin anyways?"

"Common sense is the foundation of all authorities, of the laws themselves, and of their construction." - Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sounded Good, But I Know It's Jive

Obama's speech was good. Real good. I almost clapped for him. Almost. If this was three years ago, I would have clapped and cheered and been ready to vote for him in a heartbeat. But I didn't. I am smarter than that now. I remember what history has taught me, and that is change never comes from INSIDE the government ever. Even Obama said it in his speech, matter of fact. The crazy part is, Obama doesn't even see himself as part of the government. Well guess what folks, he is. Sorry. He plays politics and appeals to people's senses just like every other politician, and he works for those behind the scenes who are trying to keep the power they do have over the people and the many facets over American lives. The change America needs is not more government or change in government, but no government at all. Period. Obama wants to expand government too, just not in the same direction that Bush did. Obama isn't gonna get rid of Homeland Security, which is a completely and utterly inefficient and unnecessary bureaucracy that is a waste of tax dollars. People fail to see that even though Bush gives tax breaks to companies to ship their jobs overseas, which is really fuckin stupid, he uses our tax money to create more government jobs, jobs specifically to make other Americans lives harder and to harass and dictate, turning us into a police state. All Obama can do is retard and slow this growth, but he can't stop it by any means. The only way to stop it is to do what our forefathers did and break away from it, no longer take a part of it.

Obama's speech reminded me of the March on Washington, and how watered-down and silly that was. Yes, you heard me right. The March on Washington was bullshit. Stop believing what you have been told in government schools. After all it's these same tectbooks that donate on average maybe 4-5 pages on the achievements on Blacks and even less on those of Hispanic contributions. So you already should know those textbooks are on that bullshit. But anyways, the March on Washington started of as a completely grassroots movement that had no centralization whatsoever. Around May of 1963, after Blacks stood up to the brutality happening in Birmingham, Alabama, and then in kind were being hit with fire hoses and threatened by National Guard troops, spontaneous demonstrations began cropping up all around the country.

I don't mean to get off on a side note here, but uhhh.....fuck the National Guard. All they are really good for is getting active-duty people killed because of their lack of training, and inside the United States, is threatening non-whites to kill them if they cross the government. You need examples??? DO you really need fucking examples??? Well, how about the New Orleans Superdome during Hurricane Katrina...yeah, you think a nigga forgot? Nah, not me. Or how about on the border, shooting people who are chasing freedom. It's like, fuck the inscription on the base of the Statue of Liberty, we didn't really mean that shit. Well we do, if you are white. LOL.

But yeah, these grassroots Blacks threatened to bring the government to a halt. Congress, Senate, the airport, all that, complete halt. This scared the shit out of the American power structure. President Kennedy called in all the Black civil rights leaders and told them to bring this "march" to a halt. They couldn't do it though, because they didn't have anything to do with it. So when JFK saw that he couldn't stop it, he joined it, he embraced it, and he became a part of it. He was the one who put the Big Six (the top six Negro leaders) in charge of it.

When JFK saw that he couldn't stop the march, he joined it and encouraged all his political bedfellows to join it as well. This is the way that Democrats took over the March on Washington.
They severely weakened it's impact and ultimately changed it's course. We could have gotten so many drastic and better changes out of the March on Washington, but instead, all we got was a damn speech. Not to knock the "I Have a Dream" speech, but if it's a choice between more freedom and a speech, sorry, but the speech fuckin loses every time. Look, by them changing the participants, the speakers, and the contents, they changed the very nature of the march itself.

I feel like Malcolm X said it best when he said in one of his speeches, "
Example: If I have a cup of coffee that is too strong for me because it is too black, I weaken it by pouring cream into it, I integrate it with cream. If I keep pouring enough cream in the coffee, pretty soon the entire flavor of he coffee is changed; the very nature of the coffee is changed. If enough cream is poured in, eventually you don't even know that I had coffee in this cup. This is what Happened with the March on Washington. The whites didn't integrate it; they infiltrated it. Whites joined it; they engulfed it; they became so much a part of it, it lost its original flavor. It ceased to be a black march; it ceased to be militant; it ceased to be angry; it ceased to be impatient. In fact, it ceased to be a march. It became a picnic, an outing with a festive, circus-like atmosphere...CLOWNS AND ALL.

The government had learned that in cases where the demonstrators are predominantly black, they are extremely militant, and ofttimes very violent. But to the same degree that whites participate, violence most times is decreased. The government knew that in cases wherein blacks were demonstrating all by themselves, those blacks are so dissatisfied, disenchanted, and angry at the white man that they will ofttimes strike back violently regardless of the odds or the consequences. The white government had learned that the only way to hold these black people in check is by joining them, by infiltrating their ranks disguised as integrationist; by integrating their marches and all their demonstrations, and weakening them: in this way only could they be held in check.

The government told the marchers what time to arrive in Washington, where to arrive, and how to arrive. The government then channeled them from the arrival point to the feet of a dead President, George Washington, and then let them march from there to the feet of another dead President, Abraham Lincoln.

The original black militants had planned to march on the White House, the Senate, and the Congress and to bring all political traffic on Capitol Hill to a halt, but the shrewd politicians in Washington, realizing that those original black militants could not be stopped, joined them. By joining the marchers, the white liberals were able to lead the marchers away from the White House, the Senate, the Congress, Capitol Hill, and away from victory. By keeping them marching from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Monument, marching between the feet of two dead Presidents, they never reached the White House to see the then living President.

The entire march was controlled by the late president. The government in Washington had told the marchers what signs to carry, what songs to sing, what speeches to make, and what speeches not to make, and then told the marchers to be sure to get out o f town by sundown.

One of the Big Six leaders, John Lewis, chairman of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, was prevented from making a very militant speech. He wanted to attack the Kennedy administration for its hypocrisy o civil rights. The speech was censored by the Rt. Rev. Patrick O'Boyle, the Catholic Archbishop of Washington, D.C.. This was a case in which the Catholic Church itself, for whom Rev. O'Boyle speaks, put itself in the position of censoring the legitimate opinion of one of the Big Six Negro civil rights leaders.

The late President's shrewd strategy was: If you can't beat them, join them. The Catholic President placed his Catholic bishop in a strategic position to exercise censorship over any one of the Big Six Negro leaders who tried to deviate from the script in this great "extravaganza" called the March on Washington, which the government had controlled right from the very beginning.

So, in the final analysis of the march: It would have to be classified as the best performance of the year; in fact it was the greatest performance of this century. It topped anything that Hollywood could have produced. If we were going to give out Academy Awards in 1963, we would have to give the late President an Oscar for the "Best Producer of the Year"; and to the four white liberals who participated should get an Oscar as the "Best Actors of the Year," because they really acted like sincere liberals and fooled many Negroes. And to the six Negro civil rights leaders should go and Oscar for the "Best Supporting Cast," because they supported the late President in his entire act, and in his entire program," Malcolm X, Dec. 4th, 1963.

And at the end of the day, this is all Obama is. After all, we couldn't even get a full black person. They have watered down the coffee, the change so much, that they even did it down to the heritage. Remember, the more things change, the more they same the same. Now the masses may not be prejudice or racist, but the power structure and this government still is. That's how 5 white cops can get away with killing a black man in cold blood the day before his wedding. Get away with the atrocities in New Orleans. Get away with wrongfully convicting and railroading blacks into jail to keep them from going to college and making a better life for themselves. Or how during Katrina, they portrayed blacks looking for food as "looting", but whites as "fighting to survive". Yeah, they were saying that bullshit on CNN. I watched the coverage damn near 3 days straight, and I think i slept maybe for 4 or 5 hours. It was part of my job as an intelligence analyst to stay current on the news, hence that's why today I am a news junkie.

Obama is right, this country needs change, but the change that is necessary is not going to come from him, or from this government. He even said it himself. He said, "You have shown what history teaches us -- that at defining moments like this one, the change we need doesn't come from Washington. Change comes to Washington." Sorry bruh, but when you picked up a political party, particpated in their elecions and ran by their rules and shared in their politics, you became a part of Washington, and now you are from Washington. Point blank period. Baby steps aren't gonna cut it anymore. We should not have to wait 20 or 30 years for changes than can happen in 2 or 3. But what do I know, I'm just your average American that's been burned by our government a few times over. How do I know about the changes that need to come forth, right?

"The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive." -Thomas Jefferson

How Politicians Are Stupid

Well, 13 days since my first posts.Now I am back. I am going to try to blog every couple of days, considering I am always thinking about things to blog about, but I just never get around to actually blogging. I know, procrastinator to the fullest. All true genius has some sort of impedance or narcissistic or eccentric qualities about it. There is a fine line between genius and insanity, and I blur that line frequently. Well, to discuss the topic at hand, how all politicians are stupid. Well, they aren't necessarily stupid, per se. They are smart enough to entice our more imbecilic citizens to vote for them to have them control and further legislate all of our lives and further restrict our freedom. But they are stupid in the fact that some think that we don't see what exactly what they are doing. Now some politicians are extremely smart, and no one gives them credit for it, and President Bush is the best example of it. He is not exactly book-smart, but he is street-smart, or at least smart enough to listen to people who are street-smart. But he was able to get away with shit before the advisors and before the political offices he has held. Like draft-dodging, making his military record disappear, DUI's, and all types of stuff. And the crazy fact about this, he knows people know this, but he doesn't give a fuck. He could easily come out and tell people exactly how he has been fucking them since day 1 and how was are all retarded for allowing it, but he doesn't. He rather that the majority think that he doesn't who what he is doing and alll of the poblems currently plaguing America is because of his stupidity. I can't remember where it is in Proverbs, but it does say somewhere, "Better to be considered a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt". Very, very few people in politics are actually in it to help others. Most are power-seekers, or using it to aquire more wealth for themselves, or both, because power and money go hand in hand. And what do all people with power want? More power.

Well, the stupid politician of this week is....Barack Obama. Yep. I am a Chicagoan and black AND I still am gonna call him on his bullshit. Why in the FUCK would you go with Joe Biden? Does he want to lose and make is so that another black man can't run for another 25 years? This is a stupid-ass move to make. The best thing he should have done was the obvious choice. Hillary Clinton. Duh. If you want to win, that would have been the best thing to do. What was we worried that the Clintons were gonna use him to get back into the White House and somehow ursup power from him or some irrational shit like that. Yeah, now we know that Hillary will probably frequently step outside that established VP box where she really isn't supposed to say or do shit becuase she would be only Vice-President. I mean, when the last time you have heard of Cheney doing anything besides shooting a friend in the face? Exactly. Hillary wouldn't be happy with that, and Barack doesn't wanty to share power. People in power would rather lose all power or not have it at all than share it with someone. SO instead of having Clinton on the ticket, which would pretty much seal up the election today if he went with her. People on the fence would automatically roll with Hillary. It pretty much guarantees the majority of not only the women vote, black vote, working class and middle class vote, so he would be good. But instead he goes with Joe Biden. Who the fuck is Joe Biden? No one is excited about him. Even CNN and Wolf Blitzer (big ups to Wolf) looked confused as fuck like "Yeah, Biden is...okay...I guess...who the fuck knows..." That's how everyone is feeling basically. Republicians are like, "Is Obama TRYING to lose???" Nah, he just doesn't want to share power and would rather not have it at all than share it with someone else. But don't take my word for it. I'm not a political person. Hell, I hate playing politics, that's why I am not it the military. I am an anarcho-capitalist a Free Stater, and no matter who wins, I know the country is gonna get worse and worse, only difference is the speed at which it gets worse. I feel like Thomas Jefferson said, when it come to politics, "
I had rather be shut up in a very modest cottage with my books, my family and a few old friends, dining on simple bacon, and letting the world roll on as it liked, than to occupy the most splendid post, which any human power can give".

And don't worry you Dems, I'mma ride that damn conservative elephant soon... ;)